Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Beach Week

Summer is over and we are well into fall. It was a few months ago that we had our week at the beach. I have been carrying one more summer posting around in my head ever since then. I started to get busy with activities and committee work and have realized that I have not been taking the time I need for spiritual readings, thinking and writing. I have missed it and am renewing my commitment to myself.
Thoughts from Beach Week

I think about what the beach means to me. It is a powerful multisensory experience:

The beach where we spend our week is not crowded and not cluttered with high rise buildings. We have been going there for over 20 years. When we arrive, I can't wait for that first look.  It is vast and open like a breath of fresh air. The ocean can be smooth or rough. Waves can be long and gentle or short and choppy. The tide comes in and goes it out.  It is always changing, yet somehow the same. The sand is soft and smooth or rough and pebbly. I search for shells. I look at the clouds, also light and fluffy or dark, fast moving and ominous. The sky is "big".

I close my eyes and hear the waves, again always changing: slow and gentle, loud and rough. I hear the birds come and go and an occasional human conversation or music,  and laughter of those playing in the waves.

I feel the sand on my feet and I feel the soothing, healing salt water, the warmth of the sun, the gentle breeze or strong wind. 

I smell wonderful, healing salty air. Sometimes I smell a bit of rotted sea life o cigar smoke from someone nearby.

As I bob up and down with the waves, the accidental taste of salt water also seems welcoming and healing.

My senses are sharp and discerning at the beach.

As fulfilling as these experiences are, the sixth sense is that meaningful place where it all comes together.  It is a welcoming place where I can sit, drink it all in, be in the moment.  For me, it is direct communication between the world and my spirit,  the divine, God. I have other wonderful moments with human and animal spirits, but there is something different. For me it is my "healing place". No expectations, no wondering how to communicate what is in my soul.  It just happens. It is there for whoever wants to experience this opportunity. My muscles relax and my mind clears. Sometimes I think about other things in my life and sometimes I lay back and let thoughts drift in and out of my mind. It is an important part of my spiritual life and development.

When my toes are sunk into warm sand
and the ocean is lapping my feet,
when I breathe in the scent of the salt
and hear the cry of the seagull,
I know that I am returned to a place of restoration
I am home.
I can heal here
Toni Sorenson
In My Corner Today

 A Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1955. In this beautiful little book, the author explores the stages of a marriage and the issues that were concerning her at the time, the stresses of a busy family life filled with endless activities, issues that are still prevalent today.
Other favorite beach reads:
Dorothea Benton Frank is my all-time favorite beach-read author. Her stories are set in the lowcountry and in the small islands near Charleston, SC. Some of my favorites are:
Return To Sullivan's Island
Bulls Island
Sullivan's Island
Pawley's Island
Shells I always seem to collect. Lately, I have searched for those with small holes.  I then attach them to the border of shawls I knit
My beach knitting project. I have a tradition of stopping by "The Salty Sheep" yarn shop on my way to the beach. The owner always shows me beautiful yarn and a great pattern. I have about four completed projects that started this way. The first year, I bought the most beautiful yarn called Sea Silk. This year I am making a lovely striped wrap. I love traditions.


P.S. Life is Calling

One evening Steve and I were sitting at the pool. It was close to sunset. The pool is very lovely, located just over the dunes.  The beginning of the sunset was looking really beautiful. In past years, we used to sit out on the beach and watch it.  We haven't done this so much lately.  The view from the pool and our balcony is usually great!  But this night, I wondered what it looked like on the beach. So I told Steve I was going to walk out the walkway and take a look.  He decided to stay there. I took my cell phone just in case there was a good picture. I reached the end of the walkway, took my shoes off and trudged through the loose sand and then, WOW. it was a beautiful sight.  I walked closer to the shore and started walking toward the setting sun. Ankle deep in the water and feeling the waves,  I sent Steve a text "out here for awhile, walking toward the pier". As sunsets on the beach do, the light and colors kept changing showing different reflections in the water.  I walked towards it until the sun had fully set and it was dark, stopping occasionally to snap a picture, but mostly just taking it in, my sixth sense fully engaged.

That night, life called me to get out of my cozy corner at the pool and engage in it and the reward was great.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver
The Summer Day
New and Selected Poems

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

All Things Sunny and Bright

We have just returned from our annual week at the beach. The little island where we stay runs from east to west, so we can view the sun from sunup to sundown if we wish. So, naturally, one thing on my mind was the sun. Today I am sharing a little bit of sunshine.


Shawn Achor became known for teaching a course on Happiness at Harvard.  He has since explored the subject in great detail.  He works with many businesses focusing on workplace happiness and production.  But his ideas work very well for our personal lives.  He has many practical suggestions. Here are a few:

Choose the most valuable reality

Shortly after we moved here, I was so sad. My reality was:
  • I missed my children and their families.  
  • I didn't even have a girlfriend I could call to go to lunch
  • I missed my hairdresser
  • I missed our local library
  • I missed the studio where I did yoga  

I became desperate to feel better, so I followed an exercise Shawn Achor recommended in his book. I wrote down my current reality as I was thinking it. I sat and just let my thoughts and pen flow -- poured it all out, wrote it all down.

The next direction was to think of another reality regarding the same situation. So I thought and wrote. 

The next direction was to think and write about a third reality.  It seemed so difficult, but I did it. I read and reread my writings and thought about them a lot.

 Eventually my reality of choice  became :

  • we live in a beautiful place
  • we could drive 30 minutes and get to a beach
  • there were kind, loving people in our community
  • I had a brand new bicycle to ride
  • we have a chance to try many outdoor activities
  • we had a whole new house to decorate
  • we have a beautiful space for overnight guests

 It was not a quick transition, but a gradual experiencing of this reality.  Still real, just different.  When I am stuck, I forget this.  The exercise of writing down three realities and then purposefully choosing the best reality really helped me begin to adjust.

Value of a ratio of 3 positives to 1 negative

The most valuable reality has a ratio of  positive to negative interactions of at least 3:1.  He recommends intentionally adding at least three positive when we are experiencing a negative, even if it is a small gesture, like smiling and speaking to strangers, putting flowers on the table, sending a nice e-mail.  Research has shown that the most productive work teams actually have a positive to negative ratio of 6:1.  Why do we need so many positives? Because our brains hang onto the negatives.  I can easily recall some of the negative things that have been said to me by loved ones and colleagues. So, I use this technique when those memories come to the forefront.  Instead of dwelling on them, I think of three positives from loved ones, teachers or colleagues.

And in my daily life, if I have a "down day", I create three positives to help balance it out. Steve and I have had a little joke about it.  If one of us says something negative, we need to say three positives. Good technique!

CBS Sunday Morning Show "Suns"

This might be my favorite show.  The feature stories are well done and on such a positive note, never sensationalized. And the best part is the story ends with a beautiful picture of the sun flashed on the screen, always different, always beautiful.

This is the ceramic sun I painted when I found out we were moving. It hangs in my bright, sunny kitchen.

Third Chakra

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that is used to describe energy centers in the body.  It is a fascinating study that helps us understand ourselves and begin to create balance and healing. The third chakra is at the navel center of the body. It is our source of power. The photo above is one of the circles included in the following kit: Chakra Balancing by Anodea Judith. I use these visuals as a focus during some of my meditation and yoga practices. Energy and power from the sun!


My grandson was playing with an "indoor Frisbee".  My daughter-in-law suggested that I might want to look at it and make one.  So, to I went. I found a simple crochet pattern and here it is, all bright and sunny. It works really well and is great for indoors.

 In My Corner Today

Kindle Paperwhite
I just replaced my first edition Kindle.  I love this new paperwhite, the best for beach reading and tucking into my purse to read on the go. It has a touch screen, nice adjustable light, highlighting and note taking, dictionary and skeleton. And the best feature is a 3g setting. I can sit on the beach, decide to read a book and download it immediately--heaven.

Spinning Forward by Terri Dulong was  my beach read. Set on an island in Florida, the main character opens a yarn shop.  It is one of a series of six and I have already read the second book, Casting About. 

Before Happiness by Shawn Achor, 2013
This book is chock full of practical ideas to increase your chance of happiness. I have read it three times and highly recommend it.

My Sunshine Frisbee. It will be a big brother gift to accompany a baby gift.
Frisbee Fun, free crochet pattern on

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sometimes . . . Zen Happens

It was a beautiful sunny October morning.  I was in my car on the way to my yoga class. It is called Gentle and Meditation.  Although it is gentle, I still feel like I get good stretching and strengthening too, with a nice meditation component.  It is about a 20 minute drive.  We had only lived here a few months and the yoga class was something that  helped me the most as I adjusted to a brand new community. 

I was driving along enjoying the morning, approaching the bridge when I saw the dreaded red light.  The bridge was up.  "Oh no", I thought. " I really need this class today."  I was new enough that I didn't feel exactly comfortable entering the room late, especially since it begins with meditation. My thoughts jumped ahead. I would miss my class. I was feeling very tense. I even called Steve to tell him I was stuck on the bridge, probably wouldn't make it to class and was not very happy.

Then I looked to my left across the river and saw one of my favorite views here. I could see the River Walk, little restaurants, old houses on the elevation behind and trees scattered amongst the buildings.  It is quaint, warm and welcoming. I look at it as I am driving or riding with someone over the bridge.  And I always think," I wish I could stop and just enjoy it.  I don't even want to take a picture, just enjoy."  Well, here it was.  I smiled and took in a nice calming breath.


And then, a song came blasting out of the radio.  The Bluetooth that I had tried  unsuccessfully to pair up with my phone suddenly worked and one of the songs on my phone was playing.

It was . . .  "I Feel Good" by James Brown.  I smiled and really did laugh out loud.


In that moment, I knew that this beautiful place was home.

And the bridge went down shortly after and I made it to class with plenty of time, smiling all the way.

And suddenly you just know . . .
It's time to start something new
and trust in the magic of
New Beginnings
Meister Eckhart
13th century theologian,
 philosopher and mystic
In My Corner Today (located in my VW Beetle, of course)
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O'Donohue, 2008.
I checked this little book out of the library last week.  My yoga teacher reads selections from it for class sometimes.  It is a poetry book of blessings for many occasions, such as birthdays, friendship, travelers, meals, grieving and so many other things. Someone I met at yoga classes uses the poems to send as little gifts. They are lovely readings.
Sarah Style: An Inspirng Room-by-Room Guide to Designing Your Perfect Home by Sarah Richardson, 2014.
Sarah Richardson is my design guru. She is a Canadian decorator/designer who has had many shows on HGTV. My daughter-in-law and I fell in love with her about twelve years ago when she had a show called "Room Service". We both were attracted to her personality and her room designs. I have been learning from her and copying her designs every since. This is her first book and has many helpful hints, color schemes and design ideas. I have used it a lot as I have made this house our home.
Great Big Ball of Yarn
These days yarn is usually wound using a swift and ball winder.  They do it for you at the yarn shop and it makes a very cool looking "yarn cake".  I sometimes have a bit of restlessness in the evening, so I decided to wind yarn the old fashioned way. I take my time and it is very calming.  So I wound all 700 yards of this cotton and linen yarn. Very Zen.

Here is our Tiffany lamp shade hanging in our hallway.
(See Archie's Chair post). It's light welcomes us home.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Archie's Chair

Before I start, I just added a line at the top you can use to subscribe to this blog.  Just enter your e-mail and hit submit.  You will receive an e-mail to confirm.  When you subscribe, a copy of the current entry will be sent to your e-mail when I post it.

Now for Archie's Chair

Several days ago, I got up, said Good Morning to our girls (dogs Greta and Zoey) and headed to the kitchen for that first cup of coffee, the best of the day.  Our kitchen is large and has a seating area next to our nice big windows.  Many mornings we sit there or on the back porch and have our coffee.  I usually sit in the wicker chair that allows me a view of our back yard. It has a comfortable ottoman in front of it and I settle in very nicely.  It's My Cozy Corner. My husband, Steve usually sits at the kitchen table.  In our retirement life, morning is such a special time, the most relaxed of the day.

But this morning as I ventured into the kitchen I saw (oh no!) Steve sitting in MY chair. WHAT?! !!  He never does that!. Did he read my first blog entry or something? So, in my state of shock and horror, I poured my coffee and sat in another chair.  I moved around, tried a small stool in front of the chair and finally ended up bringing in an ottoman from the living room. Once I settled in, it turned out to be a very nice morning. Steve and I sat slightly facing each other and had a really nice conversation.  As I sat in the "other" chair, I also noticed  that the cushion wasn't quite as comfy.  Note to self: get a different cushion.

As the lazy morning progressed, I gazed at the back hallway leading in from the garage. From "my chair", I usually face the other direction.  I noticed how drab the overhead light fixture was, and then, the  light bulb came on. Up in our attic we have a lovely green and yellow tiffany light fixture.  We have had it over the kitchen table in two houses for almost 40 years. There is no place for it over our current kitchen table and for one year I have been thinking about where can I use it?  Over my cozy corner in my studio? Remade as a lamp shade? No answers. 

And here it was, just because Steve sat in my chair. 

So, I gingerly said to Steve, "I have an uncomfortable question to ask you".  He really hates doing jobs like that.

He said "what?"

"I think our tiffany lamp shade would look really nice in that back hallway. Would you put it up?" 

Answer," sure, or I'll pay someone to do it."  No argument or groaning.  Most unusual.

See how much nicer the Tiffany shade will be?

To paraphrase Deepak Chopra's definition of synchrodestiny -- the universe is trying to tell you something, go with the flow.

That unwanted change in my morning routine pushed me to look at my world from a different perspective, to really look at a place that I normally don't .  I don't believe I would have come up with the idea on my own. I wasn't a willing participant in this change, but I believe I made myself open to what might happen next and good things did. 

It laughingly reminded me of Archie Bunker of the 1970s TV show "All in the Family" and how he clung to his chair and his stubborn viewpoints. That chair was a significant symbol on the show. It's now in The National Museum of American History.     

 I rejoice in getting past my Archie moment.  I received a wonderful little gift that morning.  The more I can practice this, the better I will get at it. And what could my life be like if I can practice this on a larger scale, for bigger moments.

Accept - then act.
Whatever the present moment
contains, accept it as if you had
chosen it . . .This will miraculously
transform your whole life."
Eckhart Tolle

In My Corner Today
Eckhart Tolle Quote.
Search on the web site to get a nice copy of the above quote.  I have a copy I printed a few years ago. It serves me well.
Super Brain by Deepak Chopra, MD and Rudolph E. Tanzi, 2012.
The notation on the cover states "unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness, and spiritual well-being.  I have read this twice and will read it again.  Good stuff for living and growing.

Kid's Sun Hat #90263AD, free pattern on
 I used this pattern to make a little basket for a friend.  I will fill it with little printed affirmations. The pattern is for a hat, but can be adjusted to any size and just the circle and the sides can be don. It also makes a cute hat for kids or adults.  Single crochet is the only stitch used.

P.S.  I also found a place for a cute little table with a lamp attached.  I had also been stuck on that on for a year.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Cozy Corner

This is an exciting moment . . . me writing a blog.  I am still trying to figure it out, so here goes . . .

I talked with a friend of mine the other day and she told me she had started a blog. During our conversations, we usually talk about all things existential; our families, our lives now that we are "aging", our spiritual journey. After I hung up, I read the entries on her blog.  They were wonderful, a culmination of all she has experienced, accomplished and what she is doing now. And then, it hit me.  Why not do a blog myself? As a woman of a certain age, I am working on aging issues and spiritual issues.  I do a lot of reading and studying and am learning so much from spiritual teachers.

I have been wanting to explore new ways of self-expression, connect with others and organize my thoughts, so here I am.

Why Cozy Corner?

Some years ago, I began to place a comfortable chair in many rooms of my house.  I would then put an ottoman, a pillow, quilt or afghan with it.  I wanted a place for myself and others to settle in and feel safe and comfortable.  As I sat in my cozy corners in each room, I could look at the room, enjoy it, inhabit it.  I would sit in various corners at different times to read, knit, meditate or just be.  It gave me a feeling of belonging and a love for each room.  I would think, make decisions, feel joyful and sorrowful.  I belonged there. 

Almost a year ago, we moved to a different location and a different house. I purposefully placed a cozy corner in just about every room, the front porch and back porch.  The only room left is the dining room (haven't figured that out yet).

 I sit with my husband in his "office" while he works on the computer. We have light conversation and decision making discussions. His room has a golf theme and is decorated in warm reds and greens. I can sit in our big kitchen and bask in the streaming sun during winter days.  We have two guest rooms upstairs and a full bath.  One room is my "studio" with fabric, yarn and all sorts of materials.  It also doubles as a guest bedroom with two twin beds designed for grandchildren stays.  The other room is purely guest.  It has a nice sitting area and a TV.  Sometimes I sit in there and knit or watch TV.  I love "living" in every part of our house.  We are making a home. Our guest area doesn't sit empty or closed to gather dust.  I love experiencing our life and our house from different perspectives.

I thought and thought about a name for my blog and kept coming back to My Cozy Corner.  It is a warm, safe place for me to experience our house and my life.  I can now feel that same warmth and coziness inside of me quite often as I move about the world and experience life. I want to experience it more. 

So I thought I would try to express thoughts and feelings from this place of warmth, comfort, and safety; to organize thoughts; to share and invite sharing. . .

My Cozy Corner in Steve's "office"


In My Corner Today

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, 1989
I read it for the first time in the 90s after seeing him on Oprah.  I couldn't quite identify with it then.  I have seen and listened to him many times since then and have read the book about three more times.  I always learn something.  I just bought a hardbound 25th anniversary edition with a detailed study guide and can't wait to read, think and absorb.

The Shadow of Your Smile by Mary Higgins Clark, 2010
In 2010 I went to a book signing. I hadn't read her books, but the visit meant a lot to a dear friend. I found  Mary Higgins Clark to be a warm, genuine lady. I don't see my friend often now (although we talk on the phone regularly). Holding my signed book and reading it makes me feel close to her.