I was driving along enjoying the morning, approaching the bridge when I saw the dreaded red light. The bridge was up. "Oh no", I thought. " I really need this class today." I was new enough that I didn't feel exactly comfortable entering the room late, especially since it begins with meditation. My thoughts jumped ahead. I would miss my class. I was feeling very tense. I even called Steve to tell him I was stuck on the bridge, probably wouldn't make it to class and was not very happy.
Then I looked to my left across the river and saw one of my favorite views here. I could see the River Walk, little restaurants, old houses on the elevation behind and trees scattered amongst the buildings. It is quaint, warm and welcoming. I look at it as I am driving or riding with someone over the bridge. And I always think," I wish I could stop and just enjoy it. I don't even want to take a picture, just enjoy." Well, here it was. I smiled and took in a nice calming breath.
And then, a song came blasting out of the radio. The Bluetooth that I had tried unsuccessfully to pair up with my phone suddenly worked and one of the songs on my phone was playing.
It was . . . "I Feel Good" by James Brown. I smiled and really did laugh out loud.
In that moment, I knew that this beautiful place was home.
And the bridge went down shortly after and I made it to class with plenty of time, smiling all the way.
And suddenly you just know . . .
It's time to start something new
and trust in the magic of
New Beginnings
Meister Eckhart
13th century theologian,
philosopher and mystic
In My Corner Today (located in my VW Beetle, of course)
To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O'Donohue, 2008.
I checked this little book out of the library last week. My yoga teacher reads selections from it for class sometimes. It is a poetry book of blessings for many occasions, such as birthdays, friendship, travelers, meals, grieving and so many other things. Someone I met at yoga classes uses the poems to send as little gifts. They are lovely readings.
Sarah Style: An Inspirng Room-by-Room Guide to Designing Your Perfect Home by Sarah Richardson, 2014.
Sarah Richardson is my design guru. She is a Canadian decorator/designer who has had many shows on HGTV. My daughter-in-law and I fell in love with her about twelve years ago when she had a show called "Room Service". We both were attracted to her personality and her room designs. I have been learning from her and copying her designs every since. This is her first book and has many helpful hints, color schemes and design ideas. I have used it a lot as I have made this house our home.
Great Big Ball of Yarn
These days yarn is usually wound using a swift and ball winder. They do it for you at the yarn shop and it makes a very cool looking "yarn cake". I sometimes have a bit of restlessness in the evening, so I decided to wind yarn the old fashioned way. I take my time and it is very calming. So I wound all 700 yards of this cotton and linen yarn. Very Zen.
Here is our Tiffany lamp shade hanging in our hallway.
(See Archie's Chair post). It's light welcomes us home.